Alpha Conference


Interactive sessions that explore
life, faith and meaning



Alpha in a Catholic context


Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that explore the basics of Christian faith. It is a Parish tool for evangelisation based on welcome, hospitality, sharing and prayer. Alpha is designed primarily for people who do not go to Church, but it also provides a fresh opportunity for everyone to look at the basics of the Christian faith. It can be conducted in person, online or a combination of both.

Alpha has a range of resources to assist Parishes in the important task of nurturing the formation of missionary disciples. Alpha can be a powerful tool for nurturing active lay participation in evangelisation and developing competent lay leaders for the Parish community.

Alpha Australia has staff to assist Parishes and Dioceses to train Parish teams to run Alpha.



Revive and Thrive



Revive and Thrive was an Alpha in a Catholic Context Conference held in November 2022 in the Catholic Parish of Our Lady of the Southern Cross, Ipswich Qld.


Anne Kennedy, a staff member in the Office of Christian Initiation, attended the conference and found it very worthwhile and has written a report on it. We have placed it on our Parish Renewal website, in part she says;


As a tool for evangelisation, Alpha is unrivalled and yet so unthreatening and user friendly. It is a fantastic starting point for Parish Renewal. The videos and the sharing process they encourage, has the power to bring to life the flickering flames of faith amongst the general Parish community.  This I believe is the key to revitalisation of the Church.



Click on this link,  it will take you directly to Anne’s full story.

Alpha Revive & Thrive Conference 2022