Getting Started in Non-Gathered Church (First of 3 Series, Excerpts from Prayer Resources-Parramatta Diocese)

Getting Started in Non-Gathered Church  #1

With thanks and credit to the Diocese of Parramatta, here are some ideas about how you might continue your work on collaboration within your parishes at this time of restricted contact with others. Some of you may have already undertaken thinking and steps in this regard but for those who have not here is something to consider.

Our Church buildings may be closed but the Church is the people and the parish community is very much alive.

  • Identify Core Group: Identify the team who will journey with you. Leadership teams, parish pastoral councils, finance committees are all important, as are school and other community representatives. We can’t do this alone. Who will be part of the journey? Consider people who share the vision, are prepared to have difficult conversations that can be open and vulnerable and are proactive.
  • Meet with Core Group (online): Twice a week initially – to work through the next steps for your community. Ensure a time of reflective prayer and care for one another are key aspects of this group.
  • It is important for normal advisory committees to continue, so schedule meetings for main groups such as: Parish Pastoral Council, Parish Finance Committee, Liturgy Group, Social Justice Group.
  • In our next update, we will explore how to develop virtual small groups in your community, and a weekly roster of activities.

In our next update, we will explore how to develop virtual small groups in your community, and a weekly roster of activities.

For more information click on and go to COVID 19 UPDATE and then to Getting Started in Non Gathered Church