Getting Started
Intentionally living the ‘Great Commission’ in our parishes today This article from the Archdiocese of Melbourne Animation Team is a helpful resource for parishes in planning towards a more engaging
Archdiocese of Perth » Resources
Intentionally living the ‘Great Commission’ in our parishes today This article from the Archdiocese of Melbourne Animation Team is a helpful resource for parishes in planning towards a more engaging
We live in times of enormous challenges. We try to cope the best we could in many ways within our capabilities and comprehension of the current circumstances. We endeavour to
With thanks and credit to the Diocese of Parramatta, here are some ideas about how you might continue your work on collaboration within your parishes at this time of restricted
Getting Started in Non-Gathered Church #1 With thanks and credit to the Diocese of Parramatta, here are some ideas about how you might continue your work on collaboration within your
Catholic Archdiocese of Perth. Copyright 2018 – 2021